Bergen International Conference
on Forensic Psychiatry
September, 2022

Welcome to Bergen!

 6th Bergen International Conference on Forensic Psychiatry


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We regretfully had to postpone our last scheduled conference due to the pandemic, and we are still feeling the effects when it comes to travel getting the best speakers. We will endeavour to hold the conference in the near future and
we are now working very hard to get the best lecturers to present their latest findings and insights to you.
Sign up for the newsletter and keep yourself in the loop.

Earlier editions of the Bergen International Conference on Forensic Psychiatry has focused on the following topics:

2011: Psychopathy

2014: Psychosis

2016: Personality disorders

2018: Neurocognitive disorders

Please visit our ARCHIVE for videos and PDF presentations from earlier editions.

 To sign up for our newsletter you can follow
this link to the newsletter sign up form.