Bergen International Conference
on Forensic Psychiatry
September, 2022

Announcement letter

Dear colleague


All information about our forthcoming conference will be on this website.

If you go to the menu option Archive on this website, you will be able to access all the presentations delivered at our 5th  Bergen Conference – in October 2018, on neurocognitive disorders – and our earlier conferences in 2016, (on personality disorders) 2014 (on psychosis) and 2011 (on psychopathy).  You can watch videos of the presentations and download pdf handouts of each presenter’s powerpoint slides.  This resource has been exceptionally popular, and we are pleased to draw it to your attention in case you are not already aware.

We look forward to keeping you informed, and to welcoming you to Bergen in October 2018.

Yours faithfully,
The Scientific Affairs Board

6th Bergen International Conference on Forensic Psychiatry